Welcome to EGSC 2024-25 Executive Team!

A Warm Welcome to the 2024–2025 EGSC Executive Team

We are delighted to introduce the new
Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGSC) leadership for the 2024–25 academic year.
This dedicated team of graduate students and faculty advisors is committed to representing your interests,
promoting professional development, and fostering a supportive community within the College of Engineering.

Below is the current roster (updated 10/24/2024):

Position Name ID Email
President Abrar Islam avi5214 avi5214@psu.edu
Vice President Emdadul Haque Chowdhury exc5533 exc5533@psu.edu
Secretary Mahmudul Hasan mzh6001 mzh6001@psu.edu
Treasurer Mahmudul Hasan mzh6001 mzh6001@psu.edu
Faculty Co-Advisor (CEE) Dr. Xianbiao Hu xzh5180 xbhu@psu.edu
Faculty Co-Advisor (ME) Dr. Xiaogang Hu xxh120 xxh120@psu.edu
CERS Chair Rayid Mojumder mvm7218 mvm7218@psu.edu
CERS Co-Chair Emdadul Haque Chowdhury exc5533 exc5533@psu.edu

About EGSC & CERS:
The EGSC represents graduate students across the College of Engineering, organizing events, workshops, and networking opportunities that enhance the graduate experience. For more information, visit EGSC’s official website.The Council of Engineering Research Scholars (CERS) is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and academic excellence among graduate researchers. Learn more at the CERS website.Together, EGSC and CERS are here to support you throughout your graduate journey—whether by addressing your concerns, organizing professional development activities, or connecting you with valuable resources and fellow scholars.

We look forward to working with you this year and encourage you to reach out to any team member
with questions, ideas, or suggestions. Welcome once again to the 2024–25 EGSC executive team!